The Presidency and the Parliament: Constructive Dialogue or War on Corruption?

Following the Constitutional Court’s decision to declare unconstitutional the decree on the repeated appointment of Natalia Gavrilița to the prime minister post, president Maia Sandu held a press conference. She stated that overcoming the current crisis can only be done with a new Parliament, and the people are the ones who hold the real power in the state. “People will decide their future and the future of the country in early elections or a referendum,” she said.
The deputies from the parliamentary factions reacted to the president’s speech. Some said they would support all her efforts, others condemned her speech and intentions, and some said they were ready to ensure that a Government would be formed.
“We will unconditionally support all the efforts of president Maia Sandu in search of solutions to trigger the early elections”
The former party colleagues were the first to comment on Maia Sandu’s position. The Action and Solidarity Party members claim that the only solution to overcome the crisis is early elections, as Moldova cannot be left in the hands of politicians Ilan Shor, Vladimir Plahotniuc, and Igor Dodon.
“It is a political conflict between two state authorities – an illegitimate and unrepresentative Parliament, on the one hand, and a President voted by a million people, mandated to fight with this illegitimate and unrepresentative Parliament. The only solution is early elections. Moldova cannot be left to Shor, Plahotniuc, and Dodon”, it is said in a press release of the Action and Solidarity Party.
The press release reads that Moldova has already gone through a similar situation and citizens know what happens when “thieves run the state – the billion-dollar bank fraud, the theft of the airport, poverty, illegal schemes, and law abuses.”
“We cannot afford to go back to those times. As long as a prime minister depends on the votes of Shor, Plahotniuc, and Dodon in Parliament, the prime minister’s activity is compromised from the beginning. The intention of the called people is not to make laws, but to continue the theft schemes of the citizens,” reads the press release.
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“Fuel on the fire and a new political war”
The Socialists’ Party and Democratic Party condemned the president’s statement on the holding of early elections or the initiation of her suspension procedure from office by referendum.
The Socialist Party’s deputy Vasile Bolea says the president’s reaction to the Constitutional Court’s decision has puzzled him and accuses her of beginning a fight with the Parliament, even though all the previous attempts show that the Parliament emerged victorious from such fights.
“The president is blocking again. I would recommend her to take a break before giving the speeches and think carefully about what she wants to say. Instead of analyzing the decision of the Constitutional Court, the head of state throws gas on the fire and initiates a new political war. Ever since the 1990s, when the head of state began to confront the Parliament, the Parliament has always won in this war,” says deputy Bolea.
“I saw Maia Sandu’s desire to fight with the Parliament (…). It can be seen that the Constitutional Court’s decision annoyed her and it is clear that she does not intend to respect it and enter the constitutional field,” he added.
“The President must bring peace and cooperation”
The Democratic Party deputy Dumitru Diacov claims that the president must find a middle way, respect the Constitutional Court’s decision, and call the parliamentary factions to consultations for identifying a candidate for prime minister.
“The president must bring peace and cooperation. There must be no such war between the presidential institution, the Parliament, and more recently, the Constitutional Court. She must call the factions for consultations. I think there are 80 deputies whom she can talk to. I do not want a conflict. It will be for the first time when a president does not follow the Constitutional Court’s decision,” said the Democratic Party deputy.
On the other hand, the Action and Solidarity Party deputy Mihai Popșoi declares himself proud of the decision made by the president.
“For a long time, I did not feel such pride in the decision of a president. There is a big difference between the current president and Igor Dodon, who feared Plahotniuc. Now the election in the country is between a group of deputies who stick to their mandate and are afraid of early elections and the people that want to choose their future,” says Mihai Popșoi.
“We will not vote for any Government supported by Shor and defectors”
Later, the Democratic Party representatives said they would not vote for any Government that is backed by Shor and defectors and that after Tuesday’s decision by the Constitutional Court, a solution must be found for the political crisis, by respecting constitutional procedures.
“The Court tells us that the Parliamentary factions and the President must conduct new consultations. The dialogue must be authentic, sincere, and accountable. Consulting the factions involves identifying support for investing in a new Government. This must be the purpose of the dialogue: to identify a way out of the crisis, not to generate a deadlock”, reads the Democratic Party’s communiqué.
According to Democrats, not all the chances of forming a Government to get the country out of the crisis have been exhausted, and that the Constitutional Court’s decision “clearly tells us that we must find the solution to the political crisis, by respecting constitutional procedures.”
“We can stop the process already started of installing a Government that is backed by Shor, only if we manage, through consensus and serious dialogue, to invest a balanced Government, which would ensure the maintenance of the pro-European path. It remains clear to us anyway: The Democratic Party will not vote for any Government supported by Shor and defectors”, it is also shown in the party communiqué.
The leader of Pro Moldova was more concise in his statements. “Now, when the High Court has explained who has the right to put forward the candidate, let’s hope that we will move forward in this process, which has proved to be extremely difficult this time and is already extending the third month of (un)establishment of a Government. Uncertainty kills all perspectives and it would be good for all political actors involved in the nomination and appointment to finally understand this,” said Andrian Candu.
The faction of the Shor Party and the Parliamentary Platform For Moldova welcomed the Constitutional Court’s decision and condemned the president’s speech.
“The Constitutional Court’s decision confirms what was obvious. President Maia Sandu has clearly and knowingly violated the constitutional rule, which is a serious abuse and a dangerous precedent. Unfortunately, this vicious practice, when a group and party interests prevail over the law and legal practice, is gaining new proportions and risks shattering the last shadow of confidence in state institutions and the democratic process,” it is shown in Shor Party’s press release.
“DA Platform reiterates its official position of assuming a pro-European minority Government”
After the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional Maia Sandu’s decree on the repeated appointment of Natalia Gavrilița to the prime minister position, Andrei Năstase, Dignity and Truth Platform leader, reiterates the Party’s official position to assume a pro-European minority Government.
“In these circumstances, the Dignity and Truth Platform reiterate its official position to assume a pro-European minority Government, able to manage the most pressing problems of the people and the country, respectively, to organize free and fair early elections. In this sense, our party calls for responsible negotiations and urgent consultations with the country’s President to quickly identify solutions to get out of the crisis,” Năstase declared during a press briefing.
On February 24, Andrei Năstase announced that the Dignity and Truth Platform has started the discussions with the pro-European parties.
“We have already started the necessary, democratic exercise to discuss with the leaders of the parties and their representatives, of the pro-European parties, first of all, with Action and Solidarity Party, and then to discuss with other parties because it is necessary to consolidate the efforts to find solutions for the people,” said Năstase.
Nastase says that Tuesday’s decision of the Constitutional Court is a win-win for all, but that is not understood by some.
“The Constitutional Court through its firm decision made us all and each of us winners. Probably some of us do not understand this, in this period that is so difficult from a health, social, economic and political point of view. The great victories of some peoples came hard, after many and long turmoils, but all were based on the rule of law,” said Andrei Năstase.
The Socialist Party reiterates its openness to dialogue with all Parliamentary factions and groups
The Socialist Party says they are open to dialogue with all factions and Parliamentary groups.
“To overcome the crisis as soon as possible, the Socialist Party reiterates its openness to dialogue with all factions and Parliamentary groups. Our goal is to find the most effective solution to overcome this crisis and take urgent measures to improve the daily lives of citizens. Even today, our party will contact the representatives of the other factions and Parliamentary groups to start a dialogue. This is what most of the country’s citizens expect from us,” it is also shown in the party’s communiqué.
The Constitutional Court declared as unconstitutional president Maia Sandu’s decree regarding the repeated appointment of Natalia Gavrilița to the prime minister position. The High Court obliges the President to announce new consultations with the Parliamentary factions for a new nomination of a candidate for the prime minister position.