The EU will Support Three New Projects in Moldova Worth 36 Million Euros

The European Union will support three new projects for Moldova, worth 36 million euros, which will contribute to the development of local communities, the media, and ensuring access to justice.
The projects were announced on Friday, 17 December, in a festive event organized by the “Team Europe” platform, the aim of which is to provide support to EU partner countries in the fight against the pandemic.
“The Europe team means unity, solidarity and concrete support for our country from the European Union and the member states, but also from the financial institutions. We were the first European country to benefit from the COVAX Facility and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, obtaining over one million doses of vaccines. At the same time, Member States such as Romania, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Germany provided protection equipment, medical devices and equipment worth over 20 million euros. These donations have saved many lives,” said Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.
The three projects launched by the “Europe Team” have a total budget of 36 million euros, money allocated by the EU and the Member States – Slovakia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Lithuania and France.