Moldova Will Buy Energy from One Supplier, Kuchurgan Power Station from the Breakaway Transnistria Region

Moldova’s centralized state energy supplier, Energocom, announces that it has extended the contract for the supply of electricity with the Kuchurgan power station, on the left bank of the Nistru River, owned by the Russian giant, RAO EASS. The company also says it has managed to offer the best price and win tenders for electricity purchases in Moldova.
Until March 31, 2021, Moldova will have a single energy supplier – the Kuciurgan thermal power plant, which belongs to the Russian state-owned enterprise but it is under the jurisdiction of unrecognized authorities in Tiraspol, in the breakaway Transnistrian region. The Kuchurgan thermal power station is one of the largest taxpayers in the breakaway Transnistrian region, contributing the most to the budget of the self-proclaimed authorities in Tiraspol.
The authorities held a tender for the purchase of electricity on June 22, 2020. The Enercocom company participated as a bidder and won the auction by offering the best price.
Energocom promises that the purchase price will be about 2.5 percent lower than the current one and starting with July 1, the supply price will be 48.65 dollars for one MWh compared to 49.9 dollars for one MWh now. It is not yet known whether this price decrease will be reflected in the final consumer’s invoices, any change in tariffs must be approved by ANRE.
According to a statement from Premier Energy, the largest electricity distributor in Moldova, it is said that the auction on June 22 was attended by three suppliers, Energocom company, owned by the state, ЧАО ДТЭК Павлоградуголь (Ukraine) and ООО ДЕ Трейдинг (Ukraine). According to the information presented, the Kuchurgan Power Station (ЗАО Mолдавская ГРЭС) officially withdrew from the competition in favor of the Energocom supplier.
The other two distribution networks in Moldova, RED Nord, and RED Nord-Vest, both state-owned, have not yet provided details about the tenders.