The Secrets Of Power

The “secret” style of the Moldovan governance is widespread from village to city, from local town halls to the State authorities, from the high courts to the supreme ones. Moldovan citizens always seek the unraveling of state secrets. It is clear that behind every state confidential matter of this kind hides money, interests, or schemes; however, it is difficult to prove this, as no one points out the government’s confidential aspect.
Two years after the abusive expulsion of the seven Turkish citizens from Moldova, teachers from the Orizont high school network, there are reports of an alleged conviction of the former head of the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), Vasile Botnari, the only suspect who acknowledged his illegal actions in the process of expelling the Turkish teachers.
Botnari’s conviction is classified. The Court of the First Instance examined the file in a classified procedure. What secrets does the justice hide from the Moldovan people, after the ex-director of SIS personally admitted his guilt and paid the fines? If, as stated, Vlad Plahotniuc coordinated the whole procedure, why is there no evidence or arguments, so that the society understands the entire process? Who does these “state secrets” protect? Disregarding that the former head of the Intelligence Service paid the exorbitant sums of 144,000 Euros in this criminal case, who is responsible and would even answer before the law for the sentencing the seven teachers by the Turkish courts, in total, to 59 years in prison?
The secret style of the Moldovan governance is widespread from village to city, from local town halls to the State authorities, from the high courts to the supreme ones. Moldovan citizens always seek the unraveling of state secrets. It is clear that behind every state confidential matter of this kind hides money, interests, or schemes; however, it is difficult to prove this, as no one points out the government’s confidential aspect. The lesson left by the Soviet dictators, of those who filled the archives with “confidential files”, remains untouched. When the Soviet Union collapsed, those interested found the classified secrets, but it was too late to intervene in the mutilated lives by those files.
In Moldova, everything that is not convenient – is classified: files, sentences, fortunes, dubious relationships, or interests. For example, the world did not understand why the family of Moldova’s General Attorney benefits from state security, as he declared on a TV show last Tuesday. The General Attorney, the State Protection and Guard Service, and the Presidency have confirmed the matter, but no source has revealed the man of law’s family’s risks. Understandably, the Prosecutor’s Office examines those responsible for the Turkish teachers’ expulsion or the billion theft case. However, these cases’ investigation could cause an entire risk for the Attorney General’s family is incomprehensible. Even so, why prosecutors working directly, in this case, would not be in danger? Why would they be left without a State Guard? Another current state secret was the camouflage of Igor Dodon for the presidential elections as the Socialists Party’s independent candidate. You see, he is independent because the head of state does not have the right to be a party member. Sometimes the secrets of power are downright hilarious. Since the Moldovan people have presidential elections soon, let’s think about how we can outlaw the secrets of power. Who among the presidential candidates will give up these secrets for the sake of the citizens?