Sergei Naryshkin, Head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Comments About Moldova’s Presidential Elections

The head of Russian surveillance, Sergei Naryshkin, comes with harsh accusations against the USA, which, according to the Russian official, is involved in the internal affairs of Russia’s favorable countries, and in Moldova, the Americans would even prepare a revolution. The statements were made for the Russian state agency TASS.
The former head of the Russian presidential administration says that the USA has already become involved in the internal affairs of Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, and would now prepare a bright revolution in Moldova if current pro-Russian president Igor Dodon does not win the elections.
“Now we see with certainty how the” radical” scenario is being prepared by the Americans (after the events in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan) and for Moldova, which will elect the head of state in November. They do not like the current head of state Igor Dodon, who maintains constructive relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), including Russia,” declared Naryshkin.
The Russian official believes that US diplomats in Moldova would convince the force structures representatives to side with the protesters in the event of elections and that he has information of a USA group of specialists in “revolutions” will soon arrive in Chisinau.
“After assessing Dodon’s chances of victory as higher, the US State Department sent its embassy in Chisinau to prepare the opposition in advance for the organization of large protests in case of his re-election with the request to cancel the election results. NGOs and affiliated media are already sending fake messages about the authorities’ so-called plans to falsify the elections,” added the head of Russian surveillance.
ZdG requested a reaction from the representatives of the US Embassy in Chisinau, which we will publish as soon as it arrives.
Sergei Naryshkin is considered a close relative of Vladimir Putin, both of whom were originally from St. Petersburg and with whom he worked in the KGB structures in the 1980s. Naryshkin is the emissary of the Kremlin, which in 2010 negotiated a left-wing alliance between the Communists Party in Moldova and the Democrats Party, which was rejected by the Democratic Party.