REPORT: The Fraudulent Management of the Trade Union Patrimony Has Led to Damages of Over 50 Million Euros

The deputy of the Action and Solidarity Party, Lilian Carp, notified the General Prosecutor’s Office of the fraudulent management of the trade union patrimony that has led to damages of over 50 million euros.
“The notification is related to the activity of the Confederation of Trade Unions and it comes after the announcement that Oleg Budza, the head of the confederation, resigned from his position. (…) Earlier I sent information about the frauds that were committed by the Confederation of Trade Unions, led at that time by Oleg Budza, but today I decided to send all the materials to the General Prosecutor’s Office. There are dozens of annexes about the calculations that have been made on the damage that has been done to the trade union patrimony, about certain goods and how they have been sold, how certain politicians have been involved in the fraud of the trade union patrimony. (…) The damage to the state is around one billion lei (50 million euros ed.n.).”
The Action and Solidarity Party deputy considers that the General Prosecutor’s Office should get acquainted with all the materials and verify the leaders of the National Confederation of Trade Unions on the aspect of illicit enrichment.
The Committee of Inquiry for the Elucidation of the Alienation of Trade Unions’ Patrimony was set up by Parliament on 13 February 2020 with 9 members, representing all parliamentary factions: Chairman – Lilian Carp, Vice-Chairman – Angel Agache, Secretary – Vitalii Eftodiev, Committee Members: Anatolie Labuneț, Vasile Bîtca, Veronica Roșca, Stela Macari, Vasile-Andrei Năstase, Denis Ulanov.
On November 26, 2020, the Parliament extended until February 1, 2021, the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry to elucidate the alienation of the trade union patrimony. On April 22, 2021, the Legislature again approved the extension of the activity of the Commission until 15 May 2021.
“The lack of responsibility of the persons involved in the decision-making process in the management and alienation of the patrimony meant the lack of institutional capacity to capitalize on these properties, which led to criminal actions, resulting in damages of almost 50 million euros, if we refer strictly to the frauds estimated within the Commission of Inquiry,” the report shows.