President Sandu Withdrew a Member from the Commission that will Appoint a Judge to the ECHR from Moldova

Last week President of Moldova, Maia Sandu withdrew Pavel Abraham from the Commission for the selection of candidates for the position of judge at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). As a follow-up, the Ministry of Justice published his CV on Friday, stating that it reflects “information on professional activity, experience, and reputation.”
Minister of Justice Fadei Nagacevschi claims that, according to the provisions of the Regulation, the responsible authorities and organizations were able to appoint members to the Commission for the selection of candidates for Judge at the ECHR until December 2020 and that it does not provide for the withdrawal of a member by the responsible authorities and organizations.
As President Sandu has called for Abraham’s withdrawal due to reasonable doubts about his integrity, Minister Nagacevschi says the Ministry would publish the CVs of members of the Commission.
According to the CV published by the Ministry of Justice, Pavel Abraham has been working as a coordinating lawyer at SCA “Abraham & Asociatii” since 2013.
During 2000-2008 he was head of the Department of Social Assistance and Probation at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work.
Between January 2001 and February 2003, Abraham served as Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament at the Ministry of the Interior, and in 1997 he served as Inspector General of the Romanian Police at the Ministry of the Interior.
Presidential Adviser on Justice Olesea Stamate announced on Thursday, that President Sandu has withdrawn from the composition of the commission for the selection of candidates for Judge at the European Court of Human Rights the member appointed by the former head of state Igor Dodon. Presidential Adviser Stamate said that Pavel Abraham, the member appointed by Igor Dodon, has doubtful integrity.
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On Friday the expert in public policies and local development, Sorin Ioniță claimed in a Facebook post that Pavel Abraham would have a dubious reputation in Romania.
“If you are wondering how Pavel Abraham, the policeman of the ’80s and’ 90s, a cadet in the Ministry of Interior during Ceausescu’s time, then a PSD whip in the police, a lawyer of the underworld and a pillar of anti-reforms on Antene TV, find out that he will represent Moldova as a member of the commission that will select their judge at the ECHR. Maia Sandu wants to take him out, but she opposes with her claws and teeth the pro-Kremlin socialist party, especially the former Minister of Justice Fada Nagacevshi, who is in great love with Abraham.
Look, some people with a specific pension do not calm down, they insist on doing further damage. In countries with a clever oligarchy like Moldova, neither Europe can help much: aha, do you require an international consultant from the EU? We are taking an international consultant, no problem: Abraham from Romania, the strongest on European justice. That’s in case you’re wondering how experts like Tudorel Toader get to the ECHR. These are important sinecures that support the judiciary in corrupt countries, ” said Ioniță.
Back in September 2020, the protester Marian Ceaușescu had a conflict with Pavel Abraham, the former head of the Romanian Police. Disturbed by the questions of the protester Ceaușescu, Abraham was about to hit him with the briefcase, reports.
13 candidates entered the national competition for the position of ECHR judge. The Ministry of Justice will hold a meeting of the Commission for the selection of candidates next week.